The Role of Educational Service Area Offices in Educational Welfare for Teachers and Education Personnel


  • Tarathip Wongkeaw Chonburi Primary Service Area Office 2


Welfare, Educational service area offices, Teachers, Education personnel


This academic article aims to study the role of Educational Service Area Offices in  educational  welfare for teachers and educational personnel. The study found that Educational Service Area Offices play a crucial role in managing welfare for teachers and educational personnel by establishing welfare committees, setting policies, planning projects, allocating budgets, implementing welfare programs, monitoring, and evaluating the welfare management for teachers and educational staff. The goal is to improve the quality of life and work conditions, and to enhance satisfaction and motivation for performance. Additionally, it was found that factors affecting the effectiveness of these operations include the availability of personnel, equipment, budget, and management, as well as the general context of each Educational Service Area Office's environment. The article offers practical recommendations for improving the welfare of teachers and educational personnel, suggesting that consideration be given to the different needs of personnel at various age groups. This can be achieved by inquiring about the specific needs of the staff to ensure their satisfaction across different age groups.


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How to Cite

Wongkeaw, T. . (2024). The Role of Educational Service Area Offices in Educational Welfare for Teachers and Education Personnel. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(3), 92–99. Retrieved from



Academic Article