The Development of Guidelines for Internal Supervision of the Administrator’s Performance Promotion Center for Educational Management of the Pang Ma Pha District Network (Lang River Basin Group) under the Mae Hong Son Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Apichat Puttawong Northern College
  • Suphaporn Kittiruchadanon Northern College
  • Witthaya Patthanameatada Northern College


Development guidelines, internal supervision, school administrators


The research aimed to study the conditions, problems, and methods for developing internal supervision guidelines to enhance the performance of administrators in the educational management promotion center of the Pang Ma Pha District Network (Lang River Basin Group) under the Mae Hong Son Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The study population consisted of 118 teachers from the Pang Ma Pha District Network and nine experts. The research instruments included questionnaires and interview forms, with data analyzed using mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, and content analysis. The findings revealed that the overall internal supervision of administrators was at a moderate level (𝜇 = 3.26). Among the areas assessed, the highest-rated was studying current conditions, problems, and needs (𝜇 = 3.40), followed by planning and determining alternatives (𝜇 = 3.34), evaluating and reporting results (𝜇 = 3.22), performing supervision (𝜇 = 3.19), and creating media, tools, and methods for development (𝜇 = 3.13), respectively. Key problems included the systematic organization of information collection systems related to supervision work, the appointment of committees with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, the use of evaluation tools, summarizing and reflecting performance outcomes, ensuring continuous and consistent supervision, and encouraging supervisees to participate in evaluation processes. To address these issues, the study recommended appointing a committee to survey current conditions, problems, and needs, organizing school-based meetings to explain internal supervision guidelines, producing media and tools aligned with content and objectives, providing training for teachers prior to supervision, and ensuring consistent follow-up and evaluation of supervision results.


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How to Cite

Puttawong, A. ., Kittiruchadanon, S. ., & Patthanameatada, W. . (2024). The Development of Guidelines for Internal Supervision of the Administrator’s Performance Promotion Center for Educational Management of the Pang Ma Pha District Network (Lang River Basin Group) under the Mae Hong Son Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(4), 22–34. Retrieved from



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