Artificial Intelligence (AI) : With the Modern Supervision Model
Artificial Intelligence, Supervision, ModernAbstract
This article aims to study artificial intelligence (AI) and modern supervision models to support teachers in managing learning across six areas: (1) development of educational institution curricula, (2) integration of knowledge and teaching science in planning and organizing learning to enhance students' intelligence, critical thinking, and innovation skills, (3) care, assistance, and development of individual learners according to their potential, (4) organizing activities and creating a learning atmosphere where students can enjoy learning while prioritizing their health, (5) conducting research, creating innovations, and applying digital technology to enhance student learning, and (6) working collaboratively with others and participating in professional development activities. Despite existing research on supervision, no comprehensive study has explored a teaching supervision model using AI to broadly develop teachers' learning management practices. Findings from the study reveal that AI can effectively enhance the supervision process. The proposed model for teaching supervision using AI involves six steps: (1) analysis, (2) planning, (3) creation of media and communication tools, (4) implementation, (5) follow-up supervision, and (6) reporting results and reflection. The knowledge gained can serve as a guideline for developing teaching supervision models leveraging AI, shaping policies, and guiding future research and development in this field.
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