A Study and Analysis the Legends of Urangkathat as a Cultural World Heritage of Mekong Communities
the Legend Unrangkathat, Cultural World Heritage, Mekong CommunitiesAbstract
The research objectives are 1) to collect knowledge about the legend of the Urangkathat on both sides of the Mekong River, 2) to study and analyze the traditional beliefs of people on both sides of the Mekhong River about the legend of the Urangkathat, and 3) to study cultural relationships of the people on both sides of Mekong River about the legend of Urangkathat. The main 20 qualitative informants are monks related to Phra That Phonom and Phra That Ing Hang temples, knowledgeable scholars, and local academic local leaders. The study areas include Phra That Phanom temple and Phra That Ing Hang. The study tool is an interview form. The research results were found that: 1. The legend of Urangkathat (Urangkathat Tales) is classified as religious literature contains stories about the history of Buddhism and the country in both Lao PDR and the northeastern region of Thailand. The local people, especially the elderly, will know this legend through telling it as a ‘legend’ that records various stories of Buddhism that spread into both sides of the Mekong River Land. 2. Urangkathat Traditional beliefs of communities nearby Phra That Phanom temple and Phra That Ing Hang temple relate beliefs that the Lord Buddha came to Phu Kamphra for the mission of predicting the location for the relics of the Buddha at Phu Kamphra. 3. People’s beliefs appear in the form of creating Buddhist art in the form of a pagoda and in the form of worship and in appropriated methods on various occasions. The cultural relationship of people on both sides of the Mekong regarding the legend of the Urangkathat relics, including the worship of Phra That such as Bun Phawet, Songkran festival, Boat racing ceremony, Lai Rua Fai festival, Katin merit-making ceremony and Loy Kratong festival.
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