Guidelines for Developing Learning Management in the Learning Loss Situation of Pangmapha Phitthayasarn School under the Mae Hong Son Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • Yannapat Wilaijan Northern College
  • Nonthawat Yuthawong Northern College
  • Witthaya Patthanameatada Northern College


development approach, learning management, loss situation


This research is mixed-method research. The objectives are 1) to study the conditions and problems of learning management in the learning loss situation and 2) to find a way to developing learning management in the learning loss situation of Pangmapha Phitthayasarn school, under the Mae Hong Son secondary educational service area office. The population is 41 administrators, teachers, instructors, and basic education committee members, and 9 experts. The tools used are questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results of the research found that the learning management conditions in the learning loss situation were at a moderate level (μ = 3.18, σ = 0.25), ranked from highest to lowest as follows: teachers, learning activities, curriculum and curriculum implementation, student measurement and evaluation, and media and educational technology respectively. The learning management problems in the learning loss situation are: curriculum development to keep up with changes to develop students, budget allocation for internet network development for access to learning resources, determination of activities appropriate for learning units, and opportunities for stakeholders to participate in curriculum development. and using learning outcomes to consider and judge criteria systematically, respectively. Guidelines for developing learning management in the learning loss situation should support teachers in developing themselves to have knowledge and experience, organize activities taking into account the knowledge and abilities of learners and individual differences, create an atmosphere conducive to learning, use classroom research to solve problems and develop learning management, and use evaluation results to develop the quality of learning management to be consistent with a learner-focused curriculum.


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How to Cite

Wilaijan, Y., Yuthawong, N. ., & Patthanameatada, W. . (2024). Guidelines for Developing Learning Management in the Learning Loss Situation of Pangmapha Phitthayasarn School under the Mae Hong Son Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(4), 336–348. Retrieved from



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