The Guidelines for Driving Happy Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2
Driving, Happy Schools, Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2Abstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) examine the level of happy school implementation in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2, 2) identify factors influencing the implementation of happy schools, and 3) propose guidelines for promoting happy school initiatives. This mixed-methods study involved 361 participants, comprising 15 school administrators and 346 teachers, selected through stratified random sampling. A questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.987 was used as the research instrument, and data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The findings indicated that: 1) the overall level of happy school implementation and its individual aspects were rated at the highest level, 2) age and experience were statistically significant factors influencing the happy school drive at the .05 level, while gender, position, and educational consortium showed no statistical significance, and 3) guidelines for driving happy schools included primary approaches such as personnel capacity development and human resource management based on expertise, as well as supporting strategies like promoting gender equality in schools, integrating work across positions, and fostering collaboration between educational consortiums.
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