The Effects of Learning Activities on the Topic of Law and Us Using Game-Based Learning Combined with Case Studies on the Learning Achievement and Analytical Thinking Skills for Matthayomsuksa 2 Students
learning achievement, analytical thinking skills, Game-Based Learning combined with case studiesAbstract
The objectives of this research are: 1) to compare the learning achievement before and after the learning activities of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies; 2) to compare the learning achievement after the learning activities of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies with those who received traditional learning methods; 3) to compare the analytical thinking skills before and after the learning activities of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies; 4) to compare the analytical thinking skills after the learning activities of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies with those who received traditional learning methods; 5) to study the satisfaction of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies. The target group consisted of 72 Matthayomsuksa 2 Students from Yantakaorattachanupatham School. The research tools included: 1) learning plans using game-based learning combined with case studies, 2) traditional learning plans, 3) a learning achievement test on the topic "Law and Us", 4) an analytical thinking skills test, and 5) a satisfaction evaluation form for students who received game-based learning combined with case studies. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples, and t-test for dependent samples. The research results found that: 1) the learning achievement of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies was significantly higher after learning than before learning at the .05; 2) the learning achievement of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies was significantly higher than those who received traditional learning methods at the .05; 3) the analytical thinking skills of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies were significantly higher after learning than before learning at the .05; 4) the analytical thinking skills of students who received game-based learning combined with case studies were significantly higher than those who received traditional learning methods at the .05; 5) the students' satisfaction with game-based learning combined with case studies was at the highest level (x̄=4.89, S.D.= 0.26)
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