The Development of Learning Achievement in the Subject of "Law and Life" and Critical Thinking Skills Through a Phenomenon-Based Learning Approach Combined with Online Applications for Grade 9 Students
Learning achievement, Phenomenal based learning Critical thinking, Online applicationsAbstract
This research is an experimental study aimed at 1) comparing learning achievement in the subject of "Law and Life" before and after learning among students who received a phenomenon-based learning approach combined with online applications, 2) comparing learning achievement in the subject of "Law and Life" after learning between students who received a phenomenon-based learning approach combined with online applications and those who received traditional learning, 3) comparing critical thinking skills before and after learning among students who received a phenomenon-based learning approach combined with online applications, 4) comparing critical thinking skills after learning between students who received a phenomenon-based learning approach combined with online applications and those who received traditional learning, and 5) studying student satisfaction with the phenomenon-based learning approach combined with online applications. The sample for this research consisted of 68 students at Yan Ta Khao Ratthachanupatham School. The research instruments used for data collection included (1) a lesson plan using a phenomenon-based learning approach combined with online applications, (2) a traditional lesson plan, (3) a test to measure learning achievement in the subject of "Law and Life," (4) a critical thinking skills assessment, and (5) a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistical methods used for data analysis included mean, standard deviation, and t-test analysis (both Dependent Samples and Independent Samples). The findings were as follows 1) Students who received learning management based on phenomena in conjunction with online applications had significantly higher learning achievement in the subject of Law and Life after the lesson compared to before the lesson, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 2) Students who received learning management based on phenomena in conjunction with online applications had significantly higher learning achievement in the subject of Law and Life after the lesson compared to students who received traditional learning management, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 3) Students who received learning management based on phenomena in conjunction with online applications had significantly higher critical thinking skills after the lesson compared to before the lesson, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 4)Students who received learning management based on phenomena in conjunction with online applications had significantly higher critical thinking skills after the lesson compared to students who received traditional learning management, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 5) Students expressed a high level of satisfaction with the learning management based on phenomena in conjunction with online applications, with an overall mean (M) of 4.80 and a standard deviation (SD) of 0.40.
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