The Social Studies Learning Management Model for Cultural Conservation for Grade 7 Students in Schools under Khon Kaen Municipality
Learning Management Model, Social Studies Learning Management, Cultural ConservationAbstract
This research aims to 1) study the conditions, 2) create a model, 3) implement the model, and 4) evaluate the use of the model. The Research and Development (R&D) methodology was employed. The sample group consisted of 268 students, with a focus group of 9 participants and 11 key informants. The research tools used were 1) questionnaires, 2) interviews, 3) the model, and 4) evaluation forms. The data analysis employed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and descriptive analysis of the interviews. The research findings are as follows: 1. The overall condition and approach to social studies learning management for cultural conservation were found to be at a high level ( = 4.05, S.D. = 0.12) Interviews with key informants across 5 aspects revealed that the learning management model should include creating an environment that promotes students' access to community culture, raising awareness of the value and importance of culture, studying learners' needs, identifying essential knowledge, designing activities that support experiential learning, selecting appropriate media and tools, and developing content that connects appropriately with the learners' social and cultural context. A variety of assessments of learners' knowledge should also be conducted. 2. The development of the learning management model using the “DC3 STD MODEL” includes the following components 1) Development 2) Cultural understanding 3) Connecting knowledge 4) Community involvement 5) Skills building 6) Teamwork 7) Diversity of cultural perspectives The overall effectiveness of the model was rated at the highest level. 3. The results of implementing the model showed that the post-test achievement scores of the target group students were significantly higher than their pre-test scores at the 0.00 level. The overall rating of the model by the target group was high. 4. The evaluation of the social studies learning management model for cultural conservation across the 5 aspects was rated at a high level overall ( = 4.50, S.D. = 0.21).
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