Learning Management by TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) for Improving Students’ Achievement on the Topic ‘Life Based on the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas’ of Grade3 Lower Secondary School Students in Huakhiew Wittayalai School, Khon Kaen Province
TAI learning activity, academic achievement, 4 Iddhipāda principles, social studies, religion and culture education, junior high school studentsAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study teaching and learning conditions; 2) to compare learning achievements; 3) to propose the learning management guideline using TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) learning activities to develop learning achievements in social studies, religion, and culture on the topic ‘Principles of Life’ according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas of the 3rd year secondary school students of Huakhiew Wittayalai School, Khon Kaen Province. This study was carried out through quantitative and qualitative research. The target group included 21 of 3/1 secondary school students. The tools used in this study were a learning management plan, a learning achievement test, and a satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used in the research were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. The research results were as follows: 1) The use of TAI learning activities was statistically rated at an 'excellent' level. Based on the criterion consideration, the conditions of the learning management were constantly better. 2) The comparison of grades before and after learning of the students in of Huakhiew Wittayalai School, Khon Kaen Province showed the efficiency (E1) at 80.25% and outcome efficiency (E2) at 84.75 %, higher than the set criterion of 80/80. 3) The learning management guideline using TAI learning activities to develop learning achievements in social studies, religion, and culture on the topic ‘Principles of Life’ according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas of the 3rd year secondary school students of Huakhiew Wittayalai School, Khon Kaen Province was that students have better grades and were more active in their studies. Teachers had new learning activities, namely TAI learning activities, and the principle used in teaching which was the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas: Chanda means satisfaction, creating value to the students and satisfaction in teaching and learning: Viriya is striving to seek knowledge; Citta is to create awareness and to pay attention to the importance of learning and helping others; Vīmaṁsā is to reflect and review the learning content continually
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