The Development of Mathematical Skills in Early Childhood by Organizing Experiences with Question Level of Bloom's Taxonomy


  • Thipaugson Puttasarin Faculty of Education and Human Development, Rajabhat Chaiyaphum University


Organizing Experiences, Question Level of Bloom's Taxonomy, Mathematical Skills, Early Childhood


This research aimed to: 1) develop early childhood mathematical skills through experiential learning combined with Bloom’s taxonomy questioning techniques, and 2) compare the mathematical skills of early childhood students before and after the implementation of these techniques. The sample consisted of 25 boys and girls aged 4–5 years, enrolled in Kindergarten 3 during the second semester of the 2024 academic year at the Demonstration School (Kindergarten Section), Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University, located in Na Fai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province. The participants were selected using purposive sampling. Research instruments included an experiential learning plan incorporating Bloom’s taxonomy questioning techniques and an early childhood mathematics skills assessment form. The research followed a One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, and data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-tests. The findings revealed that experiential learning combined with Bloom’s taxonomy questioning techniques stimulated children's recall, understanding, application, analysis, and synthesis skills by integrating learning activities with everyday life. This approach encouraged children to explore solutions independently while gaining diverse experiences tailored to their individual readiness. The process emphasized learning through play, progressing from simple to complex concepts, thereby laying the foundation for mathematical skill development. The study concluded that early childhood students who participated in experiential learning with Bloom’s taxonomy questioning techniques demonstrated statistically significant improvement in mathematical skills at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Puttasarin, T. (2024). The Development of Mathematical Skills in Early Childhood by Organizing Experiences with Question Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(4), 293–307. retrieved from



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