The Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Affecting the Performance of Private School Teachers under the Office of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
leadership, innovative leadership, teachers' practicesAbstract
This research aimed to study the innovative leadership of administrators, the performance of teachers, the impact of innovative leadership on teacher performance, and the relationship between innovative leadership of administrators and the performance of private school teachers under the Office of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The sample consisted of 515 private school administrators and teachers during the 2023 academic year, with data collected via a questionnaire and analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that innovative leadership of administrators was rated highly overall, with the highest mean score for creative thinking and the lowest for creating an innovative organizational climate. Teacher performance was also rated high, with the highest mean for an innovative organizational climate and the lowest for individual capacity development. The relationship between innovative leadership and teacher performance showed a very high positive correlation (r = .869) with a statistically significant positive relationship (p < .01) across all dimensions, particularly in creating an innovative organizational climate (r = .772) and having a vision for change (r = .767).
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