The Development of Reading Comprehension Skills in English through KWL-Plus Learning Techniques Combined with Educational Games among Matthayomsuksa 4 Students
Reading comprehension skills in English, Learning management approach using the KWL-Plus technique, Educational gamesAbstract
The objectives of this research were to: (1) develop and assess the efficiency of a learning management approach using the KWL-Plus technique combined with educational games, (2) compare the reading comprehension skills in English of Matthayomsuksa 4 students between the experimental group that learns using the KWL-Plus technique with educational games and the control group that learns through traditional teaching methods, and (3) study students' satisfaction with the learning management approach using the KWL-Plus technique combined with educational games. The sample comprised Matthayomsuksa 4 students at Yantakhaorattachanupatham School during the first semester of the 2024 academic year. The samples were obtained through simple random sampling, with a total of 62 students. The research instruments included (1) the educational games (2) the lesson plans using the KWL-Plus technique combined with educational games, (3) the lesson plans using traditional teaching methods, (4) a reading comprehension skills test in English, and (5) a student satisfaction assessment. Data was analyzed by using the independent samples t-test, mean and standard deviation. The research results showed that: 1) The educational games on the topic of Festivals achieved an efficiency rating of 81.53/82.78, meeting the criterion standard of 80/80. 2) Matthayomsuksa 4 students, which learned using the KWL-Plus technique combined with educational games, scored significantly higher than the control group that learned through traditional teaching methods, with a significance level of .05. 3) Students expressed satisfaction with the learning management approach using the KWL-Plus technique combined with educational games, with an overall rating at the highest level. (x̄=4.81, S.D.= 0.16)
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