The Development of Learning Achievement in Present Simple Tense for Matthayomsuksa 2 Students Using Cooperative Learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) Combined with Board Games
The learning management approach using cooperative learning, Board games, learning achievementAbstract
The objectives of this research were: (1) to develop and assess the efficiency of a learning management approach using cooperative learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games, (2) to compare the learning achievement of Matthayomsuksa 2 students between the experimental group learning through cooperative learning with the Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games and the control group learning through traditional teaching methods, and (3) to study students' satisfaction with the learning management approach using cooperative learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games. The sample comprised Matthayomsuksa 2 students at Yantakhaorattachanupatham School during the first semester of the 2024 academic year. It consists of 72 students. The samples were obtained through simple random sampling. The research instruments included (1) board games on Present Simple Tense, (2) the lesson plans on the topic of Present Simple Tense using cooperative learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games, (3) the lesson plans on the topic of Present Simple Tense using traditional teaching methods, (4) a learning achievement test and (5) a student satisfaction assessment regarding the learning management approach using cooperative learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games. Data was analyzed by using mean,standard deviation and independent samples t-test. The research results showed that: 1) The board games on Present Simple Tense achieved an efficiency rating of 80.93/82, meeting the criterion standard of 80/80. 2) The comparison of learning achievement for Matthayomsuksa 2 students shows that the experimental group, which learned using cooperative learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games, scored significantly higher than the control group that learned through traditional teaching methods, with a significance level of .05. (the experimental group x̄=25.19, S.D.=2.30 and the control group x̄=22.25, S.D.=2.89) 3) Matthayomsuksa 2 students expressed satisfaction with the learning management approach using cooperative learning through Team Games Tournament (TGT) combined with board games, with an overall rating at the highest level. (x̄=4.77, S.D.=0.17)
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