Learning Resource Model Based on The Principles of Sappāya Dhamma for Secondary School Under the Office of The Secondary Educational Service Area Bangkok
Secondary Schools, Sappāya principles, Learning ResourcesAbstract
This research aimed to: 1) study the needs assessment of learning resources in secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok; 2) develop a learning resource model based on the principles of Sappāya; 3) evaluate the model; and 4) present the implementation results. This study employed a mixed-method research approach. The sample consisted of 371 teachers from schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok, with 119 teachers participating in the model implementation trial. The target group comprised 15 monks/individuals, and a focus group discussion was conducted with 9 qualified experts. Research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussion guides. The statistics used in the research included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and qualitative content analysis. The research findings revealed that: 1. The needs assessment of school learning resources across all 7 aspects showed overall opinions at a high level. 2. The semantic model components consisted of principles, objectives, integration, and implementation. 3. The evaluation of the learning resource model based on the principles of Sappāya for secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok, was rated at a high level overall. 4. Overall satisfaction was at a high level, with components ranked from highest to lowest as follows: principles, objectives, integration, and implementation, respectively.
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