The Effect of Using Model – Lead – Test Instruction with Picture Books to Develop Toothbrushing Skill of Students with Intellectual Disabilities at the Fundamental Level
Model - Lead - Test Teaching method, Picture Books, Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesAbstract
The objectives of this research were: (1) to develop and assess the quality of Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books, (2) to compare the toothbrushing skills of students with intellectual disabilities before and after using Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books, and (3) to study the satisfaction of students with intellectual disabilities toward Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books. The target group comprised 5 students with intellectual disabilities from 3 to 8 years old, intellectual preparation room 2, Regional Special Education Center 4, Trang, in the academic year 2024, selected through purposive sampling. The research instruments included (1) picture books about toothbrushing skills, (2) an Individual Implementation Plan (IIP) using Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books, (3) assessment forms of toothbrushing skills of students with intellectual disabilities, and (4) a student satisfaction assessment form. Data analysis using mean, standard deviation, percentage, and percentage of learning progress. The research results showed that: 1.The learning management using Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books was qualified at the highest level. ( x̄ = 4.67, S.D. = 0.75) 2. The toothbrushing skills of students with intellectual disabilities after learning using Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books were significantly higher than before learning. The toothbrushing scores of all students initially were 22.60 (44.30%) and increased after learning using Model - Lead - Test instruction with picture books to 45.80 (89.79%). The percentage of learning progress increased by 45.49%. 3. Students with intellectual disabilities were satisfied with the Model - Lead - Test instruction using picture books. Overall, the students expressed the highest level of satisfaction. ( x̄ = 4.51, S.D. = 0.50).
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